Premium Quality Biltong & Droewors
Droewors are thin round sausages while biltong is usually cut into thin slices from slabs of beef. Droewors are particularly made into thin sticks as it dries a lot quicker in warm and dry conditions compared to biltong.
Biltong and Droewors most definitely trademarked South African snacks and represent many an important area of South African food culture. In a country where meat is a daily dietary necessity for most people, these dried meat treats come in a variety of textures and flavours, depending on the meat used and the seasoning applied.
Generally speaking, South African dried meat, like Biltong and Droewors are made from beef that is hung to dry. Although beef biltong is probably the most popular kind of biltong, many people enjoy biltong made from game and even from ostriches.
Our Biltong Products are produced using the finest quality Beef money can buy, and a unique blend of spices passed down through the generations, to give you the freshest most natural tasting Biltong on the market. Our meat is not machine cut, not cut from a semi-frozen state, but fresh beef which is the key ingredient to the finest Biltong products.
Our Droëwors is produced using again the finest 95% visual lean beef and our secret ingredient which makes our product the most mouth-wateringly succulent treat, high-quality pork shoulder, mixed with our own blend of spice, does make it the best Droëwors product on the market.

The love for making Biltong goes back as far as 2005 and in a town called Kimberley in South Africa. I started The Biltong Factory with my father and mastered how to make the perfect piece of Biltong, Droewors and Bites.
The Biltong Factory is famous for its top-quality products of which it produces tons every month. Kimberley is situated in the Northern Cape/Kalahari, an area with ideal winter conditions for making naturally cured Biltong.